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M-Unit on Carburetted Bonneville

We got a new сarburetted Scrambler based on Triumph Bonneville T100 to set a new digital controller M-unit Blue and a Motoscope Classic tachometer from Motogadget. The M-Unit controller is operated using push buttons.We saved OEM switch sets because they are integrated with the front brake master cylinder and clutch lever.

Switch controls

Original сarburetted Bonneville has perfect switch sets for the M-Unit controller. This controller doesn't include using buttons for beam blinking and alarm signaling. Bonneville doesn't have such buttons.

The only switch for which there is no function is the ignition switch. But this switch can be used to stop the engine in the KILL port by soldering one wire so that it closes the circuit when it's off. Switching off the engine on the M-Unit is a bit unusual; right after switching it off, you need to wait for a couple of seconds before the starter button becomes active again. So, the motorcycle cannot be started immediately after switching off.

Ignition control unit

The ignition control unit complicates electrical assembly. It includes signals from the throttle sensor on the carburetor and from the pick-up coil. Outputs: a signal to the ignition coil and to the tachometer, which is correctly displayed on the Motoscope Classic without additional adjustment.

Carburetors heating

The carburetor heating system is a very important system that prevents icing in a carbureter. See “Venturi effect” and gas pressure drop during acceleration in a narrowing channel. The thermostatic switch for carburetors heating is powered directly to the alternator and not to the battery; to ensure that heating is only active when the engine is running.

The starter button work

The starter can be switched on only in neutral or with the pulled clutch lever and when the motorcycle is not on the side stand.

We recommend not plugging the side stand into the STAND port on the M-UNIT because it works poorly; the ignition simply doesn't work when the bike is on the side stand. Also, if you use the side stand on a running engine, the engine will immediately stop. This doesn't allow to warm up the motorcycle while it's standing and makes this feature useless.

To prevent the motorcycle from starting in gear, the starter button must be connected via the neutral and clutch sensors. The connection must be through a diode to separate the clutch signal from the neutral, otherwise, the neutral light on the dashboard will be on when the clutch is pulled.

Overall, the M-Unit is the perfect solution for older motorcycles with tons of relays and fuses. This unit is easy to connect and diagnose; it's resistant to vibrations and water and is not afraid of power surges. On carbureted motorcycles, the controller is especially easy to install, as there is no need to connect an ECU, a fuel pump, a radiator fan, an ABS unit, and a fuel level sensor.

We recommend using new remotes with push buttons. This reduces the wire bundle thickness on the M-Unit and makes the assembly easier.

We didn't install the speed sensor in the video, since the brake disc magnetic bolt hasn't arrived yet. The procedure is simple and is described in the articles on our website. The tachometer must be taught on the go in order for the speed to be displayed accurately.

Installation of Motogadget electrics on injection BMW K100RS: https://stuntex.ru/en/article/k100rs-motogadget-electric

You can find any Motogadget components in our store Stuntex. Contact us if you have any questions!

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