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Chain and Sprockets for Harley Davidson Road Glide

Still adapting Alexander Andreev's Road Glide Special 2015 for stunt riding. We already installed Legend + 2 inches fork cartridges, 23 front wheel and 14-inch rear shock absorbers. To make the throttle more sensitive while being on the rear wheel and in a drift, it is important to replace the belt with a chain. The chain also has less power loss. We made the gear ratio slightly bigger than the stock one to make it easier to do wheelie.

A chain and sprockets kit for touring harley is expensive, because the rear sprocket comes with a hub and bearing. We chose Trask sprockets, the new polyurethane damper and the strongest EK ZVX3 anti-corrosion chain. Trask instructions give incorrect information on chain length: 130 links. We only used 118 links with the largest rear sprocket of 54 teeth.

Watch our video how to adjust the chain slack on FXR: https://stuntex.ru/article/fxr-sprockets

In our case, because of the 54 rear sprocket, the chain touches the muffler, so in the future we'll be installing the system 2-1.

The 2015 Road Glide has a Twin Cam engine, so the video is useful if you're servicing primary chaincase on motorcycles with this engine. We went through a similar process on FXR with an Evolution engine. The Twin Cam one is much easier to maintain and better manufactured.

Timecodes to navigate easier:

  • 0:47 Primary chaincase deiassembling
  • 2:57 Belt pulley removing
  • 3:30 Rear wheel removing
  • 4:33 Rear fork removing
  • 5:34 Rear fork installation
  • 6:09 Chain and sprockets kit contents
  • 6:38 Rear sprocket installation
  • 7:03 Chain installation
  • 7:36 Front sprocket installation
  • 8:12 Primary chaincase installation
  • 9:10 Compensator sporcket tightening
  • 9:21 Clutch nut tightening
  • 9:51 Primary chaincase cover installation
  • 10:33 Putting oil in primary chaincase
  • 11:02 The chain slack adjusting
  • 11:25 Rear wheel tightening

The Einhell electric tool we use in the video: https://www.einhell.de/

The article about LEGEND suspensions: https://stuntex.ru/road-glide-legend

Crashes & Fails Czech Stunt Day Magazine Ouest Bike Show 2019 Magazine Czech Stunt Days 2019 French Stunt Style Romain Jeandrot