Harley Sportster Easy Clutch
Many owners of Harley-Davidson motorcycles with cable-operated clutches do not like how hard it is to pull the clutch, which puts a lot of weight on the wrist. During cruise riding, this is irrelevant. However, riding in the city can be problematic, as you often have to shift gears and brake. On some models, such as the XR1200, or on motorcycles with a reinforced clutch for modified engines, the clutch is too hard to pull.
Alexander Andreev's stunt bike XR1200 has an easy clutch machine with a shortened pivot. However, you still need to apply about 10 kg force to pull the clutch on this bike. This is a lot even for civilian use, and for stunt riding it is not acceptable, since the lever must be pulled with one finger; the rest the rider uses to hold on tight.
To make the pulling easier, we installed the Muller Power Clutch, which is available on all models of Harley-Davidson with a cable-operated clutch. The mechanism has a longer lever, which makes pulling easier by 40%.
Before installing the Muller Power Clutch with an easy clutch, we were worried that with the fully pulled lever, the clutch would not disengage. Both the machine and the Muller Power Clutch reduce the free travel, which could reduce the amplitude of disks opening. But this did not happen, the clutch fully disengaged. While performing stunts, it's better if the clutch disengages a bit earlier, because then you won't need to fully pull the lever. That's why we installed a spacer that moves the lever away from the handlebar - it worked out great!
It's amazing how Alexander performed his stunts before the changes that we made. Here's an old review of this bike:
Muller Power Clutch works great, we highly recommend it. There is information online that after installation, someone had a problem with the clutch disengagement. Most likely, the disks preload or lever free travel is incorrectly set. In our case, there is no such problem even with an easy-pull clutch lever. That is, our free travel turned out to be half as much and still there was no problem with the disengagement.