14 Lobacheva st.
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Tue-Fri 11:00-20:00
Sat-San 10:00-17:00
Mon - Day off

Russian Stunt Girl

Dasha Kharchenko is the only girl stunt rider in Russia, who trains regularly, improves skill, can do all basic tricks and tries professional ones. She already can do switchback burnout, christ, highchair drift, tank wheelies, power circles and combo circles. Unfortunately, the training ended by injury, Dasha hited the tailbone. Fortunately, nothing serious happened, she quickly recovered and continued training.

Check bike flip at 2:20

Dasha rides Kawasaki Ninja ZX636 2003-2004 stunt bike.

Best Stunts of Polish Stunt Cup 2015 Magazine Ouest Bike Show 2019 Magazine Czech Stunt Days 2019 French Stunt Style Romain Jeandrot