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Electric Motorcycle Stunts

Here is a part of the stunt show by Benjamin Baldini on his electric motard at Ouest Bike Show 2023. Ben is a legendary French prorider. He showed great skill and stunts on the electric motorcycle which we never saw. True one hand stoppie to the no hands wheelie circle is an insane trick which is impossible to do on ICE motorcycles.

Ben’s bike is based on the last generation of Alta electric motorcycle with the fake tank to make tank wheelies.

Ouest Bike Show is the oldest annual European stunt riding festival, which is held in Villeneuve-en-Retz , France in the middle of September. Some events were big international stunt riding competitions, but the 2023 edition was a stunt show named “Avengers” with legendary French Stunt Riders and a special guest from USA Ernie Virgil.

Benjamin Baldini: facebook.com/BenjaminBaldini/

Ouest Bike Show: ouestbikeshow.com

Best Stunts of Polish Stunt Cup 2015 Magazine Ouest Bike Show 2019 Magazine Czech Stunt Days 2019 French Stunt Style Romain Jeandrot